Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011


For someone who works at Kelapa gading, photographer, graduated from Binus, April's guy, Taurus, lives in Tangerang
Since the last time we met in June 10, 2011. I remember you were in red tee in that event. I know it sounds weird. We never talk too much but I really wanna meet you once again. At least.. just once again to see that smile. Just to hear your voice. Just to know you more. (WHY i want these all?!)

In silent we stared each other. I just can saying in my gaze, "wow dude, you have stolen my attention!". I got that "magic". You and your smile that I saw in that night is bothering my mind until right now. I've tried to not expose this curiosity to anyone. I pretend don't care. But I can't deny it.

Is this love? I guess NO, um, I don't know. All I want to is just to meet you for once again. So I can determine to this feeling. Is this just curiosity or .... ?
It's weird. I know it so weird. How can I feel so curious with someone who I never know too much. I never feel it. This is my first time. (WHY i care about it?! Weird!)

WEIRD! WEIRD! Arghhh... I'm screaming into this word as repeatedly! My mind and heart is not in line -_-

But how can I meet you? There's no chance to meet you again. You have graduated. So, how is my fate? #exhale
I just can let it disappear by the time. I will not begin to searching you. I will never do it. NE-VER.

All i know is... I just can't throw your silhouette away..

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


Everyone has many problems in life. Absolutely.
It easy to face the problems if we know some tricks.
We must know the 'core'.

Problem contains :
a. From (where it come from)
b. Many (how many problems that we have)
c. Different (every problem has a different stress level)
d. Directions.

We should know which approaches that we should do.
It must be "SAFE" (simple, accurate, fast, and effective).

- Bebie violindamel -

Harry Potter Jokes

What did happen in last night between severus & Harry's mother?! LOL

I'm SEVERUS not SIRIUS (black) !

Flirting = 10 points!

Unpredictable conversation!

Silly question from Harry to Voldemort

Hermione and Ron sing a song from B.O.B ft Hayley Williams - Airplanes with innocent face. LOL

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

B/W Reflection

don't ever assume if these photos are pure photography. This is blend of photography and digital art.

the last picture is combination of these three pictures in above. Is this looks like a robot, isn't it? :)

:: photos & edited by me ::

MUSE (artistic cover albums)

Good in music, songs, and also the cover designs. Full of art.

Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011


You like an unstoppable train. Though you're too fast i'm still chasing you. I just can't reach. Yes, i'm the silhouette.
-Bebie Violindamel-

Think over before you make a decision. If you're too hasty to take it, you'll get lost in regret.
-Bebie Violindamel-

Affection is power of life in each human.
-Bebie Violindamel-

Photography needs camera. Camera is not just hanging around in your neck. Just to show it off to others. It's not called as photography.
-Bebie Violindamel-

Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

Kuliner disekitar BINUS

Holaa bloggy..

Kali ini gue mau share kuliner-kuliner enak disekitar kampus gue. Yak, BINUS University.
Padahal baru bentar liburan panjang kuliah dimulai, tapi ada satu hal yang ngebuat gue kangen kampus. Apa itu? Yap, MAKANAN ! Hahaha :D

Ini dia nih beberapa makanan yang gue kangenin :

1. Sushi World

Restoran sushi. Enak tapi harganya murah! Pas banget buat kantong mahasiswa.
Harga yang ditawarkan restoran ini, untuk sushi berkisar Rp 6.000-Rp 40.000 per porsi, sedangkan udon Rp 14.000-Rp16.000 per porsi.

Sushi World
Jalan Anggrek Cakra No 1A
Universitas Bina Nusantara
Rawa Belong, Jakarta Barat

2. Pansuree

Toko kecil yang ngejual pancake. Ahooy, gue suka banget pancake disini.
Harganya murah. Range harganya < Rp. 20.000. Rasanya enak, kenyang. Yummy!
Buat minuman juga dari harga 2.000 - 15.000.

Daerah binus syahdan.
Di pinggir jalan, keliatan kok tokonya.

3. J-POP

Makanan jepang yang menyediakan berbagai menu. Dari sushi, udon, nasi, karage, dll
Harganya juga murah! Sekitar < 20.000
Kalo minuman palingan cuma ada ocha, kocha, air putih.

Alamat :
Depan kampus binus syahdan. Ada gang, masuk aja dikit langsung ketemu kok.
*sorry ngga ada gambarnya. ngga nemu di om google*

4. Ciz 'n Chic

Ini dia makanan favorit anak binus!
Makanan yang bertemakan western & oriental food dengan harga yang super terjangkau!
Range harga sekitar Rp.5.000 - Rp. 30.000

Sample makanan:

Alamat :
Jl. U No. 33
Kemanggisan - Jakarta Barat

Gg. Keluarga No. 37 Z
Kemanggisan - Jakarta Barat

5. Gado2 samping binus anggrek

Ini gado-gado aseli maknyus banget! Tempatnya super biasa. Kecil.
Tapi kalo soal rasa, wuenaaaaaaaaak!
Range harga < 10.000.

Galon (gado lontong), Gajah (gado2 ajah), Ketoprak, indomie, dan lain2.

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