Jomblo tuh ada yang gini -> ada juga gini ->
Maksudnya, ada yang happy ada juga yang nggak nyaman sama status Jomblo yang disandang. Hahaha. Ini nih beberapa kata hati para jombloers :D
1) There is a "lie" in believe, "over" in lover, "end" in friend, "us" in trust, "ex" in "next" and "if" in life.
2) Girls gives, gives, gives and Forgives. Boys gets, gets, gets and Forgets
3) Woman r like Cars. Some r slow, some r fast. Some fat, some curvy. Some r just expensive. But no 1 has brain.
4) Friends are like condomns. - Protect you when things get hard.
5) Friday :) - Saturday :D - Sunday :/ - Monday :'(
6) Why is Monday so far away from Friday, and Friday so bloody close to Monday.
7) If Love = Stupid. Then "I STUPID YOU".
8) Improvements begin with 'I'
9) Aspire to inspire before you expire.
10) The day when Youtube, Twitter & Facebook combine to form "YouTwitFace"
11) Girls are like phones. We love to be held, talked too but if u press the wrong button u'll be disconnected!
12) You're never too old to learn something stupid.
13) Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessful man, there are two or more.
14) How to kill a Woman? 'Gift her a beautiful dress, nice jewelery, costly cosmetics. Then lock her in a room without a mirror.'
15) Wanna die in life-live life, wanna live in life- fight life.
16) Fake tan, fake eyes, fake hair, fake nails.... bitch are you sure ur not made in china?
17) I hate someone smoking in front of me
18) 80% Of Guys have Girlfriends.... Rest 20% Have Brains...
19) I wanna throw a brick at your face, but I wouldn't want to hurt the brick.
20) I may be laughing while you tickle me, but I WILL kill you once you stop.
21) I hate when my parents never let me go anywhere and then ask me why I'm always on the computer.
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